Flag Football
Eastside Crusaders Junior Flag Football
In the fall ECJF and the NJFL offers Flag football. All Fall NJFL Flag Football participants (ages 5 - 7) will be a member of the ECJF Family participating in the NJFL, and included in all events with the ECJF tackle teams!
Practices will be at Eastside Catholic High School at the same time as the tackle practices.

NJFL Fall Flag Football Age 5-7
A team shall consist of 7 players or more. Minimum 5 players must be present to be eligible for play.
There may be one coach on the field per team but must be 10 yards behind the line of scrimmage and must maintain a distance of 5 yards or more from all players during play.
On field coaches may participate in the huddle and continue to coach players up until offense becomes set, prior to the snap of the football.
All players must wear designated flags and team jersey. Shorts or sweatpants, and designated flag football helmets are optional.
Rubber spiked shoes will be allowed. No open toe, open heel, hard soled, metal or detachable cleats allowed

704 - 228th Avenue NE,
#542 Sammamish, Seattle,
WA 98074